The GIV is a not for profit non governmental organization (NGO) with the purpose to fight against HIV/AIDS and for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS.
Our actions are funded by donations and partnerships with those who believe in our work.
Small donations made by several people are enough to make large projects or keep alive some key activities of the group!
If you also believe in our struggle for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, donate the amount you want online securely and quickly. Join the cause!

PIX Key: 64.180.383/0001-00

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Banco Bradesco
Branch: 093-0 - Sta. Cecília
Account: 076095-1
Grupo Incentivo à Vida
CNPJ: 64.180.383/0001-00

Banco do Brasil
Branch: 1815-5 - Sta. Cruz
Account: 22442-1
Grupo Incentivo à Vida
CNPJ: 64.180.383/0001-00